Thanks for creating such a wonderful and informative site. I just recently stumbled upon it. As a person who had a great time growing up in Sayreville in the 70’s & 80’s and has an interest in its history I really enjoyed reading through all the informative topics. Keep up the great work.
Thank you! Check out the Sayreville ( and South Amboy Historical Societies ( Both are also on Facebook. Both groups have great people who are also interested in their town’s history and very happy to share it freely.
Thanks for creating such a wonderful and informative site. I just recently stumbled upon it. As a person who had a great time growing up in Sayreville in the 70’s & 80’s and has an interest in its history I really enjoyed reading through all the informative topics. Keep up the great work.
Thank you! Check out the Sayreville ( and South Amboy Historical Societies ( Both are also on Facebook. Both groups have great people who are also interested in their town’s history and very happy to share it freely.